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Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

Recently I became a certified Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) practitioner through Interclinical Laboratories.


My exisiting clients already know I am more than a little obsessed with this test, but did you know I also offer it as a stand alone test outside of a consultation too? 


That means you don’t have to be an existing client to order this test through me, and understand your mineral status in regards to your health and current symptoms.

For $285, you receive your full report from Interclinical Laboratories, an online health appraisal, my personalised interpretation of your results via email, and dietary, lifestyle and nutritional advice.

For a total of $405, you can also include a 90 minute Mineral Alchemy Session (in person, or online), involving a full kinesiology balance where we will explore the emotional, spiritual and energetic stress underlying your unique mineral pattern and what this tells us about the state of your nervous system, adrenal and thyroid function.

* Note - Naturopathic support is offered separately *

To purchase your test, head to the Book an Appointment button at the top of the page.

Why do I love HTMA so much?


✂️ Because it is an affordable and non-invasive test that offers an absolute wealth of information about how your body is functioning - from your mood, to your digestion, to your ability to detoxify, to your cellular health, to your blood sugar management, to your hormonal balance and even your personality!


✂️ It provides a baseline that enables us to fine tune what supplements you ‘actually’ need (hint, not everyone needs magnesium and zinc!). It also helps us to know what further blood tests or pathology may be helpful.


✂️ Even if you only see me for Kinesiology (my Naturopathy consults are an additional service I offer), we can still work with the results of your hair test as minerals hold SO MUCH energetic information. 


✂️ Through ‘metabolic typing’ HTMA provides a way of measuring the state of your nervous system and the function of your stress response via the adrenals and thyroid. This alone provides us with incredibly useful information as to how you are handling stress, whether you are in a state of long term or short term stress and how we can best bring you back to equilibrium.


✂️ Our issues really are 'in our tissues’ - minerals are literally the spark plugs and the foundation of life, but only a small percentage are found in our blood, the rest are deposited in our tissues, bones, organs, glands and hair.


If you are curious about learning about your unique mineral pattern and how any imbalances, toxicities and deficiencies may be impacting you, please pop your details below and I will be in touch!

Thanks for submitting!

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